Omar El Gawhary appointed as member of the Council of Experts on National Measurement Standards

Since February 2022, Omar El Gawhary, from the Optics group of ImPhys, has been appointed as member of the Council of Experts on National Measurement Standards (Raad van deskundigen van de nationale meetstandaarden). The Council, appointed by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK) advises the Dutch Government on strategic choices concerning the …

Measure and detect.

We develop sensing technology that will enable quick and extremely cost effective remote condition and fault monitoring of key assets in all kind of technical use.

Advanced Traceable Metrology for Optical Constants (ATMOC)

Understanding the size-dependent properties of various material ultra-thin films for integrated circuits is critical for nanotechnology innovation. Photonic measurement methods in the soft-X ray to IR wavelength range that approach theoretical limits require improved traceability coupled with rigorous uncertainty estimations to provide the tools needed to characterize novel optical materials. To increase the applicability of …

New superconducting material raises the operating temperature of space detectors

Superconducting niobium nitride (NbN) hot electron bolometers (HEBs) are so far the most sensitive heterodyne detectors for high-resolution spectroscopy at supra-terahertz frequencies (1 – 6 THz). They take advantage of a local oscillator to convert a THz line into a GHz line. Within this frequency range, many atomic, ionic, and molecular spectral lines provide information …

List of theses

Skin spectroscopy and imaging for cosmetics and dermatology, A. Ezerskaia (2020) Tunable Optics: Spectral Imaging and Surface Manipulation on Liquid Lenses, M. Strauch (2020) Computational methods for phase retrieval: Non-iterative methods, Ptychography, and Diffractive Shearing Interferometry, A.P. Konijnenberg (2019) Applications of Optical Birefringence: With Natural-Materials and Meta-Materials, Y. Tang (2019) Ray-based methods for simulating aberrations …

Courses at TU Delft

Bachelor at the Faculty of Applied Physics TN1302 “Mechanica Golven Optica” (Aurèle Adam)Introduction to Mechanics, Waves and Optics for 1st year. First course of physics. TN2421 “Optics” (Aurèle Adam, Paul Urbach)Optics course for 3rd year, including geometrical optics, wave optics, polarization, coherence, diffraction and lasers, based on our own Optics book available via TU Open. …

New methods and applications of Ptychography

Ptychography is a scanning Coherent Diffraction Imaging (CDI) method for reconstructing a complex valued object function from intensity measurements recorded in the Fraunhofer or Fresnel diffraction region. The technique provides a solution to the so-called ‘phase problem’ and is found to be very suitable for Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray imaging applications due to its …

6th International Symposium of Space Optical Instrument and Application – Sep 24-25, 2019

We are glad to announce that the 6th edition of annual International Symposium of Space Optical Instrument and Application conference will be held in Delft, from Sep 24th to Sep 25th, 2019. The goal of the symposium is to encourage international communication and cooperation in space optics, and promote the innovation, research and engineering development, …