First course and agenda for Lifelong Optics Learning
The first lesson of the basic course on Optics for the Lifelong Optics Learning has been given yesterday. The agenda for the other lessons can be found here.
The first lesson of the basic course on Optics for the Lifelong Optics Learning has been given yesterday. The agenda for the other lessons can be found here.
TU Delft Courses LiS Academy HHS Fotonica Lectoraat LESPROGRAMMA BASISCURSUS OPTICA Start 8 maart 2023: Iedere woensdag 7 weken lang Tijdsschema per les: 13:00 – 15:00: presentatie theorie15:00 – 17:00: Practicum Locatie les 1 t/m 6 : de faculteit Technische Natuurwetenschappen van de TU Delft.Bibliotheek Optica 22.E009 Gebouw 22 Lorentzweg 1 2628 CJ Delft Locatie …
Continue reading “Lifelong Optics Learning: Basiscursus Optica”
For English see below TU Delft Courses LiS Academy HHS Fotonica Lectoraat Het Dutch Optics Centre (DOC), een samenwerking tussen de Technische Universiteit Delft en TNO, heeft het Lifelong Optics Learning opleidingsplatform opgezet voor professionals in optica en fotonica. Het doel is om praktisch, toetsbaar en modulair onderwijs aan te bieden op MBO, HBO en Academisch niveau door …
For English see belowImage from Dutch Optics Centre website Het Dutch Optics Centre (DOC), een samenwerking tussen de Technische Universiteit Delft en TNO, heeft het Lifelong Optics Learning opleidingsplatform opgezet voor professionals in optica en fotonica. Het doel is om praktisch, toetsbaar en modulair onderwijs aan te bieden op MBO, HBO en Academisch niveau door middel …
The Free-Form Scattering Optics program is a joint initiative where three Universities of The Netherlands (TUDelft, University of Twente, TU Eindhoven) work together to enable high-tech optical devices that contribute to energy efficacy, climate change, internet-of-things, food, and water quality and quantity, and security, in the interest of rendering the unstoppable worldwide urbanization sustainable. Currently, the high-tech …
Abstract lt is common knowledge in optics that, when only far fields are measured, there is a fundamental limit to the resolution given by the wavelength of the light. Yet research continues to beat this fundamental limit. Even a Nobel Prize was awarded for super-resolution some years ago. In this article we consider the apparent …
Recent progress in the making of media with a variable refractive index has the potential to change lens design significantly. With these new materials, curved light rays are used to make high-quality imaging systems that have less components and are lighter and more compact than the traditional systems.
SYNOPTICS is a research programme running from 2020-2025 with the aim to use all properties of light (amplitude, phase, polarization and wavelength) to achieve ultimate performance in imaging and sensing in diverse applications. To limit data streams and to guarantee high speed, compressed sensing techniques are applied. Six universities are taking part in the research …
Optics Netherlands is an initiative of Dutch academia, knowledge institutes and industry aimed at boosting the Dutch economy in the field of optical technologies to increase utilisation of Dutch science through joint R&D.It is a follow up from the Dutch Optics Center, a TNO- TUDelft initiative. The Netherlands are unique in the field of optics …
We use the concepts from nano-optics, mainly directional scattering to develop techniques that can be used in high precision metrology such as transverse displacement sensing.