About Pure from TU Delft
As of 1 May 2016 the Open Access policy is effective. This implies that research output has to be published in the TU Delft Institutional Repository to reach our Open Science goals of knowledge sharing. Scientific documents *) entered in Pure will be transferred to the Institutional Repository within a short period of time. Moreover, Pure also contains other research related information like press clippings and activities and can be used to find information about TU Delft research programs, researchers and their publications.
Currently, key CRIS users in the different faculties and Library staff are being trained to use Pure. This group will be slowly expanded to all CRIS users. Researchers will be informed in more detail about the use of Pure and trained accordingly in September/October.
If you have any Pure related questions or remarks, please reach out to the Pure contact person at your faculty or contact the Pure project team via pure-lib@tudelft.nl.
You can find a list of our publications at Pure.
Here you can find an overview of all our theses.