Environment is everything that is around us. We value it. In our various projects we are always in search for environmentally friendly solutions.
View all on the projectspage.Extreme UV and Soft X-Ray metrology
Continuous progress in the semi-conductor industry are leading to smaller, faster and more energy efficient chips for our modern society. Critical parameters for this industry, such as overlay and critical dimension (CD), ...
Extreme UV and Soft X-Ray metrologyLensless imaging with EUV and Soft X-Rays (LINX)
LINX is a NWO-TTW perspective programme with the aim to apply various lensless imaging techniques, from ptychography to scatterometry, while using wavelengths in the EUV and Soft X-Ray regime. This programme is ...
Lensless imaging with EUV and Soft X-Rays (LINX)