Wavefront coding in barcode imaging system
Design guideline for wavefront coding in aperture stop-lenses separated barcode imaging system
For simplicity, it is often assumed that the imaging system consists of a single thin lens. In the case of the barcode reader, the imaging system consists of several thick lenses and aperture stop, therefore this assumption is not valid. One of the topics of the research is to study the right position to place the wavefront coded component (i.e. cubic phase mask) in the system and the influence of its position in the aperture stop-lenses separation system. Furthermore, the PSF and the MTF of the imaging system with the coded aperture is investigated as function of the desired range of object distances. The postprocessing by regularized deconvolution to sharpen the image will also be investigated. Finally, we explore alternative phase masks for task-based barcode imaging system.
Our goal in this research is to extend the functionalities (e.g. depth-of-field extension) in the existing task-based barcode imaging system without affecting much of the existing design and maintaining the systems flexibility.
The proposed prototype combines optics and signal processing and maintains the simplicity of the system. This opens a new direction for improving the performance of the existing barcode imaging system.
Investigation of extended depth-of-field f/8 camera with optimized cubic phase mask and digital restoration
Po-Sheng Chiu, Kurt Vonmetz, Federico Canini and H. Paul Urbach, EPJ Web of Conferences 238, 03008 (2020)
The influence of phase mask position upon wavefront coded system: doublet imaging system
Po-Sheng Chiu, Kurt Vonmetz, Federico Canini and H. Paul Urbach, Proc. SPIE 11105, 11105I (2019)
Target Groups
Automatic data capture industry
- This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 675745
- Industrial partner/user: Datalogic IP Tech S.r.l., Italy
- Collaborator: EPFL, Switzerland
- Po-Sheng Chiu
- Paul Urbach
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