The Weekend of Science is a national science weekend. Every year, various technical institutions open their doors to provide extra activities. This year the theme of our Weekend of Science is: LIGHT.
The conference Fase2Phase, 2nd Edition, addresses imaging with phase information and covers topics such as lensless imaging, aberration retrieval, adaptive and active optics, ptychography, holography, tomography, phase retrieval and applications.
In parallel to the conference, aspecial
exhibition; “Optics
for all” is organized by the Optics Research group.
On Wednesday afternoon there is a workshop organized (free of charge) for the
students with four interesting speakers. On Tuesday evening we have
planned the poster session combined with a walking dinner. The conference
dinner on Wednesday evening organised together with the Adaptive Optics
The following distinguished invited speakers have
confirmed their attendance:
Prof. John Rodenburg, University of Sheffield (UK)
Dr. Andreas Menzel, Paul Scherrer Institute (CH)
Prof. Paul Planken, ARCNL/UVA (NL)
Prof. Allard Mosk, University Utrecht (NL)
Prof. Shiyan Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Prof. Silvain Gigan, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (FR)
Prof. Hans-Peter Herzig, EPFL, Switserland (CH)
Prof. Ivo Vellekoop, University of Twente, Faculty TNW, BMPI (NL).
Prof. Henry Chapman, Center of Free-Electron Laser Science DESY / Universität
Hamburg (DE)
Prof. Margaret Murnane, NSF STROBE Science and Technology Center JILA,
University of Colorado Boulder (USA).
Dr. Stefano Bonora, NR Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnology (IT)
Dr. Sophie Brasselet, Institut Fresnel (FR)
Dr. Na Ji, Univerisity of Berkely, Helen Wills Neurocience Institute (USA)
Prof. Yihui Wu, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CN)
Dr. Kevin Zhou, Duke University (USA)
Delegates of Face@Phase have full access to AOIM talks and program events. Only one registration (to any of these two events) is necessary. The events are scheduled one after another to avoid parallel sessions: Face2Phase on 21-23 October, and AOIM on 23-25 Oct, with no overlap.
We are glad to announce that the 6th edition of annual International Symposium of Space Optical Instrument and Application conference will be held in Delft, from Sep 24th to Sep 25th, 2019.
The goal of the symposium is to encourage international communication and cooperation in space optics, and promote the innovation, research and engineering development, initiated by the Sino-Holland Space Optical Instruments Joint Laboratory. This year, we will have special focus on satellite applications for air monitoring. During the conference, there will be an exhibition of earth images taken from satellites.
The topics of this conference will include:
Space optical remote sensing system design
Advanced optical system design and manufacture
Remote sensor calibration and measurement
Remote sensing data processing and information extracting
Remote sensing data application
There is no registration fee for attendance to the symposium. If you wish to attend, please register by emailing