The discovery of an old Microscope

In the back of a cupboard of our group, (Optics Cluster at the Imaging Physics department of Applied Sciences), a box full of interesting objects had been hiding for almost thirty years. Nestled amongst prisms and scopes, was a mysterious microscope. Most of the objects dated from the mid-20th century, but this microscope looked older – much older! What happened and how did it end up in a closet at AS? The Team Maatwerk from TU Delft went to investigate.

Read more here.

Interview Joseph Braat, former Professor

Our Post-doc Yifeng Shao has invited our former Professor, Joseph Braat, for an interview published on Advanced Photonics to look back at his career, the development of optical storage and lithography in the Netherlands, and his transition to academia coming from Philips.

Joseph Braat (professor emeritus TU Delft and former research fellow at Philips Research) received the 2019 Holst Memorial Lecture Award for his important contributions in to diffraction-limited optical imaging and scanning. Photo courtesy of TU Eindhoven.

You find the interview here.