Dr. Aurèle ADAM winner of the Westerdijk Prize

Picture of Timon Idema and Aurèle ADAM with the Westerdijk Prize

Aurèle Adam (right), Assistant Professor from the our group and Program Director of the Applied Physics Master, has been awarded the Westerdijk Prize by Timon Idema (left) head of the Prize committee on Monday the 9 of January for his outstanding contribution to the education at our faculty.

Aurèle had to be online due to quarantine.

Congratulations to him!

Face2Phase 3rd edition November 7-9, 2022 in Delft

The conference addressed phase information in imaging with topics such as lensless imaging, phase retrieval, adaptive and active optics, ptychography, holography, tomography. We also had the honour to have 14 invited speakers from all over the world and many oral and poster presentations. The conference attracted about 100 participants from the Netherlands and from abroad. We thank the support of NWO, ASML, Carl Zeiss, Single Quantum and DOC who helped making this exciting meeting possible.

Subsequently, the SPIE Student Chapter of TUD organised from 9-11 November a series of lectures given by prof. Carl Bender, Washington University, St. Louis, U.S.A,  prof. Ari Friberg, University of Eastern Finland,  Dr. Stefan Witte, Free University Amsterdam and Dr. Yifeng Shao of University of Technology Delft.  The event was attended by approximately 40 students and was considered a big success.

Logo of the face2phase conference